Friday 23 December 2011

AQUASCRIPT ... would luv to deliver an essay like this :p

the power of water n wordz n imagery
imagine how we will receive important  information in the future 

I was blown away when i saw this just stared for ages trying to work out how it was happening!
this company is a brilliant way of getting people to notice a message...
"Aquascript breaks through traditional boundaries of information transfer...a dynamic information transfer waterfall" - Aquascript

  • how it works: well as i understand it.. a proprietary computer system and software synchronizes the hundreds of valves which control each drop of water thus each drop creates a clear defined muster.

suitable for indoors or outdoors spaces and for any purpose, it can be synced with music lights, projections, sensors , interface, lasers....whatever ur imagination can come up wid.... I used this in my shed project to display pictures and sounds and smells from around the Amazon in to the shed.  


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